Friday, August 27, 2010

LONG ISLAND - The 21st Century State

States do have some powers and the State of Long Island should be very diligent in asserting its powers as a State. The federal government has become too large, too intrusive, to inefficient and too expensive. The other 50 States have become mired in bureaucracy, much of which was developed between 1900 and 1960. That was a LONG time ago. The State of Long Island should insist that we are the first new US State of the 21st Century and use "best practices" from many sectors to create our new state. We can become the most modern, well organized, most flexible state in the Union. We can really create ways for our citizens and businesses to have their needs met. Personally, I prefer a much more libertarian approach. Let the State of Long Island facilitate processes for people and business taking care of themselves.

Perhaps our State Slogan should be:

LONG ISLAND - The 21st Century State

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